Wiki Word is an advanced reader of Russian Wiktionary, the most comprehensive universal dictionary of Russian for today (over 450,000 articles).
Here you will find everything about any word: explanation and grammatical information, synonyms and antonyms, idioms, examples of use, etymology, translation and much more.
👍 And no ads in the app.
The dictionary is being daily improved and replenished.
The app requires internet access with no subscription to Offline mode.
Our app aids to make the use of the Wiktionary easy and handy.
Compact and full view, semantic coloring. Empty zones, secondary and technical remarks are hidden.
for viewing (word forms, synonyms, examples, phrases, etc.).
for words and phrases from the article. Tap on the popup to open a new full article.
for any word or phrase.
More than 15,000 images downloading from internet.
expand the basic explanations with an encyclopedic info.
The complete spelling and punctuation rules with intelligent search are available without Internet.
for words and phrases. Simple correction of the mistakes.
for iOS 10+ (works without the Internet on iOS 13+).
Previously viewed articles are available offline. Entries sorting by date or alphabetically.
Subscription for usage of Dictionary in the absence of internet connection.
Offline mode advanced features:
5 color sets + Night mode.
is a great opportunity to learn something new about Russian every day.
optimised for using one hand. Landscape orientation support on iPhone.
Slide Over и Split View modes. It also works on Mac computers with Apple silicon.
Word from the Pasteboard. Text Drag & Drop from other apps.
and new iPhone, iPad.
compared to the web version of Wiktionary.
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